Can pure water heal your gut ?

Des intestins en bonne santé

?Can purified water heal our digestive system

.Gastrointestinal function is, of course, very important 
.In fact, our digestive system dictates our overall health and keeps our body running smoothly 
!So it's no surprise to learn that an unhealthy gut can cause us significant health issues.
How important is our intestinal health, and how can a water purifier installed under the kitchen sink like the MeiRave purification system have a positive effect on our intestinal health ?

?What exactly is the intestine

Our digestive system includes our intestines. It starts at the mouth and ends, let's say, at the bottom. It plays a very important role and operates continuously – in short, it doesn't rest for a moment. Can purified water heal your gut ?
How does it work?
The intestine conveys food to the stomach, transforms it into nutrients and energy and directs the rest, all the waste, out of the body.

Purified water for healthy digestive system 
With a fairly diverse bacterial population, the whole process runs smoothly. As soon as a disturbance occurs in the composition of the bacterial population, things start to go wrong. Unhealthy intestines can manifest themselves in symptoms such as stomach ache, skin irritation, chronic fatigue, a weakened immune system, allergies to various types of food, sleep disorders and even more complicated illnesses.

?What are the causes of abnormal bowel function

Inappropriate diet and dosage, an irregular lifestyle, chemicals and toxins, and even prolonged use of antibiotics can all be causes of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Alongside all this, one of the main causes of unhealthy bowel function is the multiplicity of contaminants often found in tap water.
It's a fact – adding quantities of chemicals to our water to eliminate harmful micro-organisms can actually cause illness. It turns out that even the pipes through which our water flows can cause health problems.
What do we mean when we talk about different chemicals? We're talking about substances like chlorine, trihalomethanes, pesticides like chloroform, and heavy metals like lead and mercury.

?Does it really matter

Completely !  Why ?  Because it's not just about drinking a cup or two of tap water. There are many other ways in which we come into contact with chemically-treated water: bathing, cooking, rinsing fruit and vegetables, drinking tea, coffee, warm chocolate drink, rinsing our mouths when brushing our teeth, washing our faces, and so on. All this accumulates and increases our contact with harmful chemicals.Microbiome intestine factories and microbiota. Gut health
All these chemicals can have a significant impact on our intestinal flora, especially chlorine . Chlorine is a major player when it comes to intestinal irregularities. Its use as a powerful disinfectant to kill bacteria which can harm our bodies.
Important to remember: when you drink water containing a powerful disinfectant that kills bacteria, it can also damage the "good" bacteria in your intestines.

How can using a water purifier protect our gut ?

The daily consumption of purified water, free from all kinds of pollutants, is essential to maintain the balance of good bacteria in the intestine (the natural flora) – and more than that: the use of clean water is considered to be the most fundamental condition for good intestinal health.
A high-quality home water purifier like MeiRave's MR 33 model helps us to maintain proper and regular bowel function. And of course, the positive consequences are evident in all other bodily functions.

Our water purification systems  purify water by eliminating all physical, chemical, organic and microbial contaminants that damage our bodies and intestines. And since filtered water is free of unpleasant odors and tastes, most people increase their water consumption, which is a definite advantage for our health.

A body that receives clean water every day functions much better and makes us feel good and, above all, healthy.
Make sure your family members drink enough during the warmer months of the year, but also during the colder seasons when the tendency is to drink less.

Under-sink water purifiers allow you to make better use of what you eat and drink:
Washing vegetables and fruit, making hot drinks and drinking them daily will contribute greatly to the health of everyone, including pregnant women, children and people with various sensitivities.
And, no less important, domestic water filtration systems save you money, costing much less than bottled water.

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